Please help your rescue crew save more lives

Accident or emergency situations can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Night or day. Road, mountain, lake or river. Residence, rural or remote. It’s what happens next that matters.

Every minute counts. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of patient recovery. When the Greenlea Rescue Helicopter is tasked to a life-saving emergency rescue mission via the emergency 111 call system, it is the best, and in many cases, the only option.

Founded in 2000, the Greenlea Rescue Helicopter is a free emergency rescue service for the central North Island’s Central Plateau and Lakes regions, bringing life-saving equipment, rescue personnel and trauma-trained professionals directly to the patient.

We cannot do what we do without the support of our community. We rely on the kindness of people like you to save lives every day.
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Recent Missions

Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter

Aerocool Rescue Helicopter

Greenlea Rescue Helicopter

Grassroots Trust Rescue Helicopter


Christine is so grateful for your help in getting her safely out of the forest
Active Christchurch couple, Christine and her husband Alan, had driven up to the central north island for an adventure-filled holiday.
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“You saved my life. Thank you so much!”
Because of you, Kayleigh was rescued after a harrowing accident on Mt Ruapehu.
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Joining with you, the Taupō Pakeke Lions Club
Like you, there is a wonderful group of individuals who are deeply passionate about caring for others.
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